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Where to Focus your IC Strategy & Budget to get the Biggest Impact

Lise Michaud

The 2017 Benchmark Report, produced by ROI Communication and released this week, reveals that a company’s financial performance rises and falls, in part, with the quality of its employee communication. The key findings identify the aspects of employee communication that make the biggest difference on a company’s bottom line. It also summarizes current trends and changes in employee communication.

"We all know, as communication professionals, that effective communication is essential to engage, inspire, and empower our employees for the best business results. What may not be clear is how to focus your employee communication resources to make the biggest impact, and how to create a compelling business case for your employee communication initiatives. " says Barbara Fagan-Smith, CEO, ROI Communication.

The ROI Communication Benchmark™ is the most comprehensive survey of employee communication at large companies. This infographic provides an overview of some of the key findings and opportunities from the report. You can also download the PDF here.

Three recommendations

The report gives 3 recommendations on where to focus your IC strategy and budget to get the biggest impact. "These recommendations are based on a rigorous statistical analysis of survey results and financial data and ROI’s vast experience working with Fortune 500 companies over the past 15 years."

Develop and implement a manager communication strategy

Manager credibility is dwindling at a time when it is most needed. Enabling and supporting your managers to be strong communicators is an imperative that will be the most important project you can tackle this year, with the biggest payoff for the company.

Create a measurement strategy that supports your goals

Measurement is an ongoing process that evolves with communication activities, strategies and tools. Make measurement a priority because improved measurement practices predict increased financial performance.

Make your content count

The quality and consistency of message content predicts financial performance and is a major contributor to an environment of trust and engagement. Capture the attention of your employees by ensuring your content is relevant, engaging, entertaining and visual.

Full Report

The full report is available here.

About the ROI Communication Benchmark™

The ROI Communication Benchmark™ is a comprehensive report that captures the changing state of employee communication at the world’s leading companies. It reveals, using rigorous statistical analysis of survey results and financial data, how more effective communication improves engagement and financial performance.



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