Resources to Measure Internal Communication

Lise Michaud - Updated October 13, 2017
It's no secret that a great number of communication practitioners don't measure and evaluate internal communication. For many, this task is not an easy one. Though high-effective organizations have been shown to practice IC and measurement more than low-effective organizations, only 50 percent of practitioners have a formal approach to measuring and evaluating their internal communication initiatives.
As the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) enters into the last week of Measurement Month, an annual global program of events shining the spotlight on the importance of PR measurement, here are some of the recent resources on measurement related to internal communication for you to explore. You can find those and more under the section Measurement & Evaluation on our website.
A Delphi Study to Identify Standards for Internal Communication. The very first internal communication standards to be developed. Learn more here.
FIR Interview: the challenges of standardizing employee communication measurement, with Sean Williams, Katie Paine, Angela Sinickas, and Ryan Williams, and hosted by Shel Holtz
How to be a real IC pro, Sean Williams
PR and IC Measurement Challenges and Expectations: Q&A with Richard Bagnall, CEO of Prime Research
Measuring Internal Comms before it was Cool, Angelina Sinickas
Top Tips: Internal communication measurement, CIPR Inside
What to measure, why, and how | An ongoing issue in internal communication, Sean Williams and Stacy Smith
Guide/ White Paper/ EBook
7 Top Tips & Insights for measuring internal communications – what to measure, why and how, Sean Williams and Stacey Smith
The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Internal Communications, Angela Sinickas
Demonstrating the Value of Communication (eBook), Perspectives and advice on communication measurement & evaluation, by Jesper Andersen with contributions from ten authors. 2nd edition. Supported by AMEC.
Presentation/ Case Study
The Future of Internal Communications Measurement, Mary Miller
To get more familiar with the vocabulary related to measurement
Dictionary of Public Relations Measurement and Research, by Don Stacks and Shannon Bowen
Be sure to check out these measurement frameworks and resources :
Guidelines for Measuring Trust in Organizations (Updated), Katie Paine, IPR
For more information about measuring IC, see our section Measurement & Evaluation.