Lise Michaud is the CEO and Founder of IC Kollectif, a global nonprofit dedicated to internal communication as a strategic management discipline. Michaud served almost 30 years in senior and executive positions in communication and management across the public and private sectors in Canada, including Veterans Affairs Canada, Health Canada, Public Service Commission Canada, N.B. Health and Community Services, as well as Canadian and Québec hospitals. With a professional background primarily in internal communication (IC) and change communication, she has extensive experience in external communication, media relations, and journalism.
Additionally, for 7 years (2005-2012) Michaud specialized in evidence and research-based design (EBD/RBD) in the sector of the built environment and human behaviour. During that period, she earned a degree in interior design, a Diploma and Accreditation with honour from IACC-NA Academy, the International Association of Color Consultants/Designers, in California, and she founded Human Factor, Research & Consulting (2005-2012). As Principal of the firm, she worked with architects and designers in the US, Canada, and in Europe, by providing interdisciplinary EBD and RBD reports to support the business case of their design projects for environments such as schools, senior homes, homes for alzeimers, hospitals, transportation, and factories. Michaud also managed her own colour design projects supported by EBD and RBD for both the private and public sectors, in environments such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disordor (PTSD) Center, in federal govermental buldings, schools and in the sector of transportation. Simultaneously, Michaud was a member of the AIA (American Institute Architect) where she was actively involved in the working group of the CEA Committee of Architecture for Education (Pre-K-12) on the benefits of daylighting on school achievements (2009-2012). Other professional affilations included Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS), American Psychological Association/ Population and Environmental Psychology (APA Division 34), Design Research Society (DRS), Design & Emotion Society (DES), Réseau canadien d’experts des sciences du bâtiment et de la santé (RCESBS), l’Association des communicateurs scientifiques du Québec (ACS) and IACC-NA.
Backed by this expertise, Michaud resumed her career in communication when she was invited to join one of the largest pediatric hospitals in North America that was undergoing a major expansion and modernization, heavily supported by EBD/RBD. Building on her transversal competencies, she provided IC and change communication advice largely informed by an interdisciplinary literature review she conducted on an ongoing basis, to strategically inform and effectively support the organizational transition. This led Michaud to establish IC Kollectif subsequently.
Michaud is editor-in-chief/ author of 14 global internal communication publications (IC Kollectif), some of which were developed in collaboration with communication professionals/executives across all continents, scholars, and organizations such as the Institute for Public Relations (IPR), the Academic Society for Management & Communication/ University of Leipzig, the European Association for Internal Communication (FEIEA) and the Italian Association for the Development of Internal Communications (ASCAI). These publications include COVID-19 Communication Repertoire (2020), a series of 11 Research Briefs (2019) such as The Licence to Operate, Measurement: Linking IC to Business Results, The Intersection of Internal & External Communication, and The Case for Business Acumen. Global research report The Next Level - The Business Value of Good Internal Communication was released in 2018, while Disrupting the Function of IC - A Global Perspective was launched in 2017 by the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (GA), the confederation of the professional bodies worldwide. She contributed research-based articles to the Institute for Public Relations’ Organizational Communication Research Center and to the Conference Board.
In addition to citations in books as well as master and doctorate dissertations from universities around the world, Michaud’s work appears on Google Scholar Citations in academic journals, namely Journal of Communication Management, International Journal of Communication Research, Public Relations Review, Media Literacy & Gender Studies, South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, Mediterranean Journal of Communication, Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación and InMediaciones de la Comunicación. The book series New Perspectives in Organizational Communication (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) identified IC Kollectif among organizations established to foster research, education, and professional development. A research article published in Journal of Communication Management (2021) indicated that the growing importance of IC as a specialization is visible in the emergence of professional organizations around the world such as IC Kollectif. A systematic review article published in Public Relations Review (2020) identified IC Kollectif as having played a key role in publishing research reports on internal communication.
Authoritative organizations have featured her work, including Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (GA), International Association for Business Communicators (IABC), Institute for Public Relations' Organizational Communication Research Center (IPR), Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC), Chartered Institute for Public Relations (CIPR Inside), PR News, PR Academy, The Conference Board, as well as numerous communication professionals and agencies. Practitioners and scholars from more than 165 countries have downloaded Michaud’s reports and eBook.
Michaud is a member of the Thought Leadership Circle of the Internal Communication Research Hub (ICRH), at the University of Florida. She is a recipient of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Gold Quill Award of Excellence (2019). For four consecutive years (2017-2020), she was named to the list of the Top 101 Global Employee Engagement Influencers by Inspiring Workplaces (formerly Employee Engagement Awards). She served as a judge for the North America Employee Engagement Awards (2018) and as VP Communication on the Board of IABC’s Montreal Chapter (2016-2017).
Michaud holds a BA with a major in Information/Communication from the University of Moncton, and diplomas in the fields of interior design as well as the built environment and human response.
COVID-19 Communication Repertoire - Resources for communication professionals (2020) IC Kollectif 28 p.
The practice of IC - A Look Inside Organizations - Part 3 (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 24 p.
The practice of IC - A Look Inside Organizations - Part 2 (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 23 p.
The practice of IC - A Look Inside Organizations - Part 1 (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 24 p.
State, Trends & Practice (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 9 p.
Beyond Tactics - The Strategic Contribution of Communication (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 28 p.
The Case for Business Acumen (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 14 p.
How Business Leaders Value IC -The Perspectives of Practitioners (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 9 p.
Internal Communication in the Eyes of C-Suite Leaders - Perceptions & Expectations (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif 19 p.
The Intersection of Internal & External Communication (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif, 19 p.
Measurement: Linking IC to Business Results (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif, 16 p.
The Licence to Operate (2019) Research Brief series, IC Kollectif, 10 p.
The Next Level - The Business Value of Good Internal Communication, Global Research Report (2018) IC Kollectif, 164 p.
Disrupting the Function of IC - A Global Perspective, (Foreword by Professor Anne Gregory) IC Kollectif (2017) 222 p., Book
Michaud, L. (2019). Why Business Acumen Matters, IC Kollectif
Michaud, L. (2019). Business acumen: an imperative for communication to serve as a strategic management function, IC Kollectif
Michaud L. (2019). Investing in Employee Trust is Investing in Your Bottom Line, IC Kollectif
Michaud L. (2019). Why Business Acumen Matters to Internal Communications: From the C-Suite, The Conference Board
Michaud L. (2019). The Intersection of Internal & External Communication | Distinct Audiences. Integrated Approach. Strategic Alignment. IC Kollectif
Michaud L. (2019). The Intersection of Internal & External Communication, IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.
Michaud, L. (2019) Trois questions fondamentales, IC Kollectif
Michaud L. (2019). The Intersection of Internal and External Communication, The Conference Board
Michaud L. (2019). Linking IC to Business Results, IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.
Michaud L. (2019). Linking Internal Communication to Business Results, The Conference Board
Michaud L. (2019). How to Get the Coveted Licence to Operate, IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.
Michaud L. (2019). Internal Communication and the Licence to Operate, The Conference Board
Michaud L. (2018). The Next Level: The Business Value of Good Internal Communication, IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.
Michaud L. (2018). The Next Level: The Business Value of Good Internal Communication, The Conference Board Michaud L. (2018). In Africa Communication Leadership Report 2018 - 50 Communications Experts, The role of communications in Africa’s development, Africa Communications Week, pp. 185-186 Michaud, L. (2018). Non-Profit Sector: What PR & IC practitioners Need to Know, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2018). Recognition of PR as a Strategic Management Discipline Still a Challenge, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2018). Research Paper: Standards to Measure Internal Communication, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2018). 2018 SOS : In Many Instances, the News is not Good, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). Disrupting the Function of IC : A Global Perspective, IPR Michaud L. (2017). Challenges of the UK Corporate Communications Profession, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). New Study: The State of Internal Communication in India, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). Resources to Measure Internal Communication, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). IC a hot Topic in Communication Research, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). IC the Most Critical Communication Function? IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). Where to Focus your IC Strategy & Budget to get the Biggest Impact, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). Award-Winning Study on Standards For IC, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). PR Researchers and Practitioners Meet at IPRRC, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2107). DAY 2 - International PR Research Conference, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). DAY 3 - Connecting Public Relations Theory and Research to Practice IPRRC, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2017). Research: IC Kollectif Partners With the International Public Relations Research Conference, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2106). Corporate Reputation : Perceptions Held by Internal Stakeholders Also Matter, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2016). Reorgs: Why and How to Communicate, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2016). Crisis Communication With Employees : Are you Ready? IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2016). Few Chief Corporate Communicators having access to CEO feel heard, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2016). UPDATE Brexit : Advice and Resources for Internal Communication Professionals, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2016). IC Kollectif Launches a Global Website, IC Kollectif Michaud L. (2016) IC Kollectif: A new space dedicated to Internal Communication
Cen April Yue, A. Zhou, T. G. Pag3, J. Morehouse, L. W. Capizzo, and E. L. Toth (March 2024). The Past, Present, and Future of Internal Communication in Public Relations: A Computational Review of the Emerging Literature, Internal Communication Computational Review https://osf.io/preprints/osf/c2ajz
Cuenca-Fontbona, J., Compte-Pujol, M., Sueldo, M. (2022). The function of internal communication during the COVID-19 health crisis: Transformation or transubstantiation?. Anàlisi: Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura, 67, 7-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/analisi.3553
Aced Toledano, Cristina;Cruz López-Ayala, María;Miquel Segarra, Susana (2022). Covid-19 y Comunicación interna : principales cambios en los departamentos de Comunicación interna de las empresas españolas in "Pensando la comunicación : reflexiones y debates en un mundo hiperconectado - Madrid : Dykinson, Casalini id: 5336262" - P. 84-99 - Permalink: http://digital.casalini.it/5336268 - Casalini id: 5336268
Lucinda B. Sutton, Tanya le Roux & Lynnette M. Fourie (2022). Who Should Be Identified as Internal Stakeholders? An Internal Communication Practitioner and Consultant Perspective in the South African Corporate Context, Communicatio, South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research 48:4, 93-116, DOI: 10.1080/02500167.2022.216326
Guerrero Alvarado, M., Sotelo González, J. y Cabezuelo Lorenzo, F. (2022). Internal communication as a strategic tool for the construction and transmission of the organizational culture, aDResearch ESIC International Journal of Communication Research. 27, 27 (feb. 2022), e206. DOI:https://doi.org/10.7263/adresic-27-206
Raposo, A. (2022). Why invest in communication with employees of an PME?. In M. Eiró-Gomes & A.Raposo (eds.), Communication in PMEs: from knowledge to recognition (pp. 37-61). Polytechnic of Lisbon-ESCS. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/14966
Nadia Alonso López, Raúl Terol Bolinches, Pavel Sidorenko Bautista, José María Herranz de la Casa (2022). Innovación Digital en Comunicación y Educación, N.o 89 de la colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, Dykinson, S.L. https://www.dykinson.com/libros/innovacion-digital-en-comunicacion-y-educacion/9788411223744/
Hendrawan, B., Elshof, M. and Verkuil, L. (2021). Internal communication education in universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 34-49. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCOM-11-2019-0151
Men, L. R. (2021). Evolving Research and Practices in Internal Communication. In In Men, L. R. & Tkalac Vercic, A. (Eds.). Current Trends and Issues in Internal Communication: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-78213-9_1
C. Aced, M. Arocas, S. Miquel (2021). Manual de Comunicación Interna, Dircom, Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación https://www.dircom.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/manual_comunicacion_interna_dircom.pdf
Miquel-Segarra, Susana; Aced-Toledano, Cristina (2021). The internal communication of Spanish companies is a strategic key, Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 12(2):24, https://doi.org/10.14198/MEDCOM.18692
Joan Cuenca Fontbona, Laura Verazzi (2020). Comunicación interna total: Estrategia, prácticas y casos, Dircom Colección https://www.editorialuoc.com/comunicacion-interna-total
Yeunjae Lee and Cen April Yue (2020). Status of internal communication research in public relations: An analysis of published articles in nine scholarly journals from 1970 to 2019, Public Relations Review, Volume 46, Issue 3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2020.101906
Aced-Toledano, C., & Miquel-Segarra, S. (2020). Del sector secundario al quinario: Comunicación interna según la actividad de la empresa: objetivos, medición y prioridades. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 15(1), 87 - 107. https://doi.org/10.18861/ic.2020.15.1.2959
Men, R. (2020).Wartime Leadership Communication: How Should CEOs Communicate During the COVID-19 Pandemic? IPR Organizational Communication Research Center
Men, R. (2020). Leading in wartime: 5 ways CEOs should communicate with their workers during coronavirus, The Conversation, Business + Economy
Miquel-Segarra, Susana; Aced-Toledano, Cristina (2019). Objectives and difficulties in the evaluation of internal communication in Spanish companies. El profesional de la información, v. 28, n. 5, e280521. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2019.sep.21
Miquel Segarra, S., Aced, C. (2019). El perfil de los responsables de comunicación interna en España, RAEIC, Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, vol 6, núm. 11, 99-118.
Susana Miquel-Segarra, Cristina Aced (2018). El rol de la comunicación interna ante los desafíos de la digitalización, Communication Papers – Media Literacy & Gender Studies – Vol.7 - No15 | 2018 | REVISTA | ISSN: 2014-6752 https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v7i15.22181
Aced Toledano, Cristina, (2018). Social media strategy: plan design, Open UOC Educational Resources, Open University of Catalonia http://hdl.handle.net/10609/141488
Roger D’Aprix, Bosses: True Stories of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, ChangeStart Press, February 2020
Sue Dewhurst, Liam FitzPatrick, Successful Employee Communications: A Practitioner's Guide to Tools, Models and Best Practice for Internal Communication, Kogan Pager, June 2019
Pulling in the same direction|Research - Blurred Vision, Voice Magazine, page 41, Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC), January 2020, (PDF)
Interview with Gold Quill Award Winner Lise Michaud, IABC Montreal, December 2019 (PDF)
Q&A with Lise Michaud - IC Kollectif, SnapComms, December 2018 (Link | PDF)
Creating and IC Center of Excellence, Journal of Internal Communication, Vol 12, 2017, pp. 28-31, Gatehouse, London (PDF)
ICOLOGY: The Story Behind IC Kollectif, Chuck Gose, August 2016 (Transcript/PDF)
Collaboration@Work: IC Kollectif Links Global Communicators with Key Resources and with Each Other, Peggy L. Bieniek, August 2016 (Link)